HOWTO: How can I book for my child as a parent?

Equclub has the option as a parent to book in the name of your child. Here 2 options are possible:

Are you an active driving member as a parent? NO

OPTION 1: Use your child's account

Create an account for your child and login through this account to book activities. (This account can be shared between parents) How-do-I-make-an-account-with-my-favorite-club

 Are you an active driving member as a parent? YES

 OPTION 2: Create an account for each active driving member and switch between your account as a parent and that of the child

  1. Create an account for every active driving member; How-do-I-make-an-account-at-my-favorite-club
  2. Then contact your club administrator and ask to link your account to your child.
  3. Wait for confirmation from your club manager
  4. Log out and then log back in after receiving confirmation
  5. Click on the arrow on the top right V to open the selection menu
  6. Then click on "connected profiles"
  7. Switch to your child's account by clicking on the switch icon


Now as a parent you can book in the name of your child!